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The Virtual Campus Programs of Study are designed to promote our core values of adventure, agency, community and innovation.

As a fully accredited transitional kindergarten to Grade 12 community, we explore rigorous learning experiences and enrichments aligned with the Rochester Community Schools curriculum.  Our students are committed to the greater good, showing compassion, and recognizing the importance of community connection.  Through service learning experiences, students make a difference, engaging in learning that matters to them, the community, and the world.   By looking closely and exploring the complexities of global systems and communities, our students develop an increased sensitivity to representation, justice, and power. At Virtual Campus, we reimagine teaching and leverage current technologies to create adaptive, flexible, and personalized learning environments for our students. The voyager difference enhances learners' abilities and confidence to navigate a complex world, equipping them with the skills to understand and act on issues of global significance. 

Elementary Academics

Secondary Academics

Be Inspired

Virtual Campus faculty innovate alongside our learners to broaden horizons and encourage flexible problem-solving. Our learning community continuously designs creative learning opportunities to engage VC learners with relevant, adventurous, and hands-on curricular content. Check out some of our recent innovations:

Digital Badging

Virtual Adventures

Creativity Challenges