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Virtual Adventures

You're invited on a journey... An inquiry-based outing to be exact. 

This adventure may take many forms, but slowing down, gathering evidence, considering multiple perspectives, and extending your thinking are all crucial elements of the trip ahead. Whether it's joining your third grade teacher on a floating post office, or scaling a 75-foot ladder with the VC principal, one thing is for certain.  This definitely isn't school as usual.

What are Virtual Adventures?

Virtual Adventures are opportunities that engage learners and extend their thinking.  Most often by means of high-quality video recordings, interviews, or digital tools like Google Earth or Webquests, students virtually venture into unknown places, meet new people, and uncover new ways of thinking.  With teachers, educators, or industry experts as guides, students document their thinking along the way, and spend time reflecting on the experience to deepen their understanding of classroom concepts.

Virtual Adventures invite students to:

  • Make connections with industry experts, museum educators, and learning field sites around the world 
  • Use their imagination and problem-solving skills
  • Collaborate with community partners to develop high quality and culturally relevant enrichment experiences
  • Gather evidence, consider multiple perspectives, and enhance their understanding of curricular content 
Virtual Voyages Logo in Center Surrounded by logo of globe, computer, person hiking, phone, tools in basket, and ranger badge

Learn More About Virtual Adventures